The Forum on Public Policy
The Forum on Public Policy seeks to disseminate knowledge with regard to salient issues in public affairs. This includes research and policy advancement in both the public and private sectors that address government issues at state, national and international levels of discourse. The editorial staff welcomes manuscripts of relevance to this broad area of interest. There are three criteria applied to the review and selection of articles for publication:
First, articles must advance knowledge, theory, and practice.
Second, the content of articles must be accurate and technically competent.
Third, articles must be well written, clear, well organized, and stylistically correct.
A manuscript submitted for publication to the Forum must be original and not under consideration for any other publications. When a manuscript is published by the Forum, it become the property of the Forum with the Forum possessing exclusive right to publication. All authors will be required to sign a consent to publish form upon acceptance.
Forum on Public Policy Online ISSN 1938-9809
We are indexed by Gale Cengage (see Academic Onefile, journals .xls), and EBSCO (Political Science Complete Database).
Current online issues: These articles are saved in .PDF format and can only be viewed with Adobe Reader.
©Copyright by the Forum on Public Policy
All rights Reserved. Electronic edition published 2006