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Vol 2006 no 1

Vol 2006 No 1




Stress and Fatigue in Foreign Language Professionals: Implications for Global Security

James A. McCubbin, June J. Pilcher, Thomas W. Britt, Thomas Wallsten.


The Role of Prejudice in the Lack of Effective Response by Western Governments to Refugees in Developing Countries: A Threat to Achieving Human and Global Security

Portia D. Rawles


The Quest for Oil in the New World Order

Rudy Soliz


The interface of global migrations, local English language learning, and identity transmutations of the immigrant academician

Charles B. Hutchison, Lan Quach, and Greg Wiggan


Security, Access, Intellectual Freedom: Achieving Balance in a Global World

June Abbas


Criminal Justice


The Technique Of Terrorism

James S. Albritton


Being Black, or Being a Cop: The Problem of Race in American Law Enforcement

Terrance A. Johnson


Is Modern Crime too Complicated for the Modern Jury?

Bryan A. Ward


Victimless Prosecution Of Domestic Violence In The Wake Of Crawford V. Washington.

Andrew Fulkerson and Shelly L. Patterson


Lex Sportiva: Thoughts Towards a Criminal Law of Competitive Contact

Christo Lassiter


Successful Aging


Chronic Pain in Cognitively Impaired Elderly: Challenges in Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Paula Siciliano


Exercise Testing and Prescription in the Enhancement of Physiologic and Overall Well Being in the Older Adult

Ellen L. Glickman, Tiffany A. Collinsworth, and Leigh Murray


Bilingual Education


Re-examining ESL Programs in Public Schools: A Focus on Creole-English Children’s Clause-Structuring  Strategies  in Written Academic Discourse

Arlene Clachar


Bilingualism, Cultural Transmutation, and Fields of Coexistence:  California’s Spanish Language Legacy

Sara Garcia


The Acoustic Properties of Vowels: A Tool for Improving Articulation and Comprehension of English

Candalene J. McCombs


Adult Second Language Reading in the USA: The Effects of Readers’ Gender and Test Method

Cindy Brantmeier


Perspective Taking in Language Learning and Teaching

Allison H. Hall




Stay Smart: Lost Weight: Childhood Obesity and Health Education

Linda Kosa-Postl


International Iodine Deficiency

L. Preston Mercer


The Social Relations of Food

Christopher Wilkes


Calories and Longevity: Do They Really Matter?

Kendra J. Golden


Dry Edible Beans:  Indigenous Staple and Healthy Cuisine

Mark A. Uebersax


The Grain Chain: Consumption Of Whole Grain Foods And Their Many Links To Disease Prevention

Patricia Smith


Women’s Rights


Abbas Raptus : Exploring Factors that Contribute to the Sexual Abuse of Females in Rural Mormon Fundamentalist Communities

Janet Bennion


Women’s Roles and Strengths in Times of Family and Community Stress

Julia Malia


Factors That Contribute To, and Constrain, Conversations Between Adolescent Females and Their Mothers About Sexual Matters

Kimberlee S. Schear


The Role of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in the Maintenance of the Subjugation of Women:  Implications for the Training of Future Mental Health Professionals

Ann M. Lazaroff


Reflections on the Current Status of Women in American Higher Education

Lillian Robbins & Edwin Robbins


A Biblical World View in Support of the Worth of Women’s Work

Rosemarie Scotti  Hughes


Invisible, Mysterious, and Inconsequential:The Absence of Women in 2004 Presidential Campaign Coverage

Therese L. Lueck


Child Psychology


A Critical Analysis of the Child and Adolescent Wellness Scale (CAWS)

Alandra Weller-Clarke


Integrating Culture into Education: Self-Concept Formation in Alaska Native Youth

Allan Morotti




Islamic Schools in America: Islam’s Vehicle to the Future?

Hussam S. Timani


Roger Williams: Pioneer on America’s Journey towards Religious Liberty

Virginia C. Barfield


Beyond Darwin :Systems Dynamics Issues in Adaptation and Speciation

Jon C. Cawley


Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Evolution in a Population of Community College Students

Patricia Flower


Self and Other: Tensions within Modern Liberal Individualism and Moral Education

R. Steven Harrist and Frank C. Richardson


A Perspective:  Organizational and Procedural Norms and the Authority of the Magisterium in the Catholic Church

Gloria A. Kalbfleisch 


Theology for Citizenship: How a Catholic College in the Augustinian Tradition Prepares Citizens to Transform Society

Joseph T. Kelley


Science and Religion in Colonial America: The Early Days

Bruce Kirk Oldfield


Some Eighteenth Century Views Of The Relationship Of Science To Religion

Richard M. Riss


Bridging The Gap Between Science And Faith Through Environmental Studies: Theoretical Considerations And Implications For Environmental Policy And Practice
Paul W. Brandt-Rauf


The Dutch Dilemma & American Divide: The Challenge of Exclusivist Religions to Pluralistic States, and Contemporary Education

Christopher Parr


Darwin versus Intelligent Design in US Courts: Does Teaching Intelligent Design in Biology Classes Violate the US Constitution?

Patricia T. Bradt


Is Science To Blame For The Intelligent Design Debate?

Aaron W. Johnson, Kevin P. Jansen, and Matthew J. Maurer


Special Education and Theories of Education


The Project Approach: An Appreciation for the Constructivist Theory

Pamela R. Cook


From the Trenches: Secondary Content Teachers and IEP, Inclusion Students

Jan Ginger


The impact of IDEA 04 and NCLB on speech and language related services: How do we meet the challenges

Jennifer Means


Special Education: Examining the impact of poverty on the quality of life of families of children with disabilities

Regina L. Enwefa, Stephen C. Enwefa and Robert Jennings



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