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Vol 2009 no 2

Vol 2009 no 2


Issues in Education


“Education Or Incarceration: Zero Tolerance Policies And  The School To Prison Pipeline”

Nancy A. Heitzeg


Oral language and beginning reading: Exploring connections and disconnections

Susan Hill




“Clearing the Sill of the World”:  Jane Eyre and the Power of Education in the Nineteenth-Century Novel

Nancy L. Davis, Associate Professor of English, William Rainey Harper College


Mary Shelley: Teaching and Learning through Frankenstein

Theresa M. Girard, Adjunct Professor, Central Michigan University


Education and Access to Christian Thought in the Writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe and Anna Julia Cooper

JoJo Magno, Senior Adjunct of Humanities, Warren County Community College


God and Allah in the works of Rudyard Kipling

John J. Salesses, Professor, English Department, Salve Regina University


Science and Religion


Science and Religion Since Darwin The “Fairness” Issue in the Evolution-Creation Debate Voices from an American Community College and the Blogosphere

Paul A. Billeter and Danielle M. Quill


The Scientific Method through the Lens of Neuroscience; From Willis to Broad

J. Lanier Burns, Professor, Dallas Theological Seminar


Thedocracy: Christian Universities and Muslim Students

Gregg A. Chenoweth, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Olivet Nazarene University


Building Bridges across Meaning Systems: Creating Democracy with Christianity and Islam in a Post-Darwinian World

Mark S. Markuly, Dean, School of Theology and Ministry, Seattle University


Three Cultures


Creative Minds: The Search for the Reconciling Principles of Science, the Humanities, Arts and Religion

Richard England, Professor of Music, Adjunct Graduate Professor of Counseling, Freed-Hardeman University


The Sky: Connecting Science and Symmetry with Reverence

Anahita Sidhwa, Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Brookhaven College


Women and Leadership


The Glass Ceiling is Made of Concrete: The Barriers to Promotion and Tenure of Women in American Academia

Mary Bonawitz and Nicole Andel


Career Attainment among Healthcare Executives: Is the Gender Gap Narrowing?

Joan Julia Branin, Director, Center for Health & Aging, Chair, Masters in Health Administration, University of La Verne


Midwifery in American Institutes of Higher Education: Women’s Work, Vocations and the 21st Century

Mary C. Brucker, Professor and Associate Dean, Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University


Women, Leadership, and Equality in Academe: Moving Beyond Double Binds

Julie Frechette, Professor of Communication and Women’s Studies, Director of the Center for Community Media, Worcester State University


New Wine in Old Bottles:  Cutting a New Path in the Academy

Mary H. Gresham, Dean, Graduate School of Education, State University of New York at Buffalo


Women in Educational Leadership in the U.S.: Reflections of a 50 Year Veteran

Sandra Lee Gupton, Professor of Educational Leadership, University of North Florida


Circumcision of the Female Intellect:19th Century Women Who Opposed Scholarly Education

Marbeth Holmes,  Nash Community College


Educate the Women and You Change the World: Investing in the Education of Women is the Best Investment in a Country’s Growth and Development

Leah Witcher Jackson, Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Baylor University School of Law


“Moral Philosophy and Curricular Reform”:Catharine Beecher and Nineteenth-Century Educational Leadership for Women

Gladys S. Lewis, Professor, Department of English, University of Central Oklahoma


Stopping the “flow of co-eds and other female species”: A Historical Perspective on Gender Discrimination at Southern (U.S.) Colleges and UniversitiesAmy Thompson McCandless, Dean of The Graduate School, Professor of History, College of Charleston


The Blue Blazer Club: Masculine Hegemony in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fields

Melanie C. Page, Lucy E. Bailey and Jean Van Delinder


The “Education” of the Indian Woman against the Backdrop of the Education of the European Woman in the Nineteenth-Century

Sunita Peacock, Associate Professor of English, Slippery Rock University


Learning through the Ages: An Epistemological Journey

J. Courtney Reid, Associate Professor of English, Adirondack Community College


Systems of Work-Life Balance: Private And Public Investments

Faye L. Smith and Judi McLean Parks


Tenured Faculty at Colleges and Universities in the United States: A De Facto Private Membership Club

Julie M. Spanbauer, Professor, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago


The Stories We Hear, The Stories We Tell What Can the Life of Jane Barker (1652-1732) Tell us about Women’s Leadership in Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century?

Carol Shiner Wilson, Dean of the College for Academic Life, Muhlenberg College


Social Justice


Promoting Sustainability in Rural Development the Role of Land Property: Usi Civici In Sardinia (Italy)

Angela Cacciarru, Department of Geography, University of North Carolina


Wilberforce’s Work is Not Done: Ending Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery

Michelle Crawford Rickert, Assistant Professor, Liberty University, Helms School of Government


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act:  Paving The Way for Equal Pay Claims

Bonnie L. Roach, Associate Professor, Ohio University


Digital Age


Stratospheric Transparency: Perspectives on Internet Privacy

Rita M. Hauck


Fighting Terrorism


Countering the Radical Islamist Message: Image Management as a Counter-terror Strategy
Brent J. Talbot, Professor, Department of Military Strategic Studies, US Air Force Academy



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